Thursday, March 3, 2011

Signs Of SPRING!!

With the winter season almost over, our class took a walk outside to decipher some signs of spring! My first sign is the bright red flower buds on the trees outside of the school. Also, while there I saw crows and the shadows of the trees. The slight breeze of wind I felt made the trees appear to be dancing! I heard the crows that were soaring above us an the small breezy wind gusts. It was 63 degrees and sunny with not a cloud in sight. These were the feelings outside.

The second sign of spring is some green tree buds just ready to welcome spring! I didn't see much because we were entering the woods at this point. There were trees all around that had fallen from a previous days strong wind and the dead leaves still lay there on the ground. If you listened you could hear a soft wind and birds in the distance. I felt the warm sun warming up the outside and then a cool soft breeze every now and then.

 The third sign is at the pond. There is usually a flock of geese there but they weren't here. Mrs. Richardson said they hadn't been all day, therefore they are migrating birds. This is our 3rd sign of spring. I found a ceder tree which had different colored tips showing the new growth. There also was a cocoon! I saw really shinny water and a sweat bee(they hurt). I couldn't hear much over our class except for some birds. The feeling was a small breeze with the warm sun. I was thrilled because this was the first warm day of tennis practice :)
The last sign of the day were some reddish colored limbs on a tree. This showed the new growth. I attempted to get a picture of the tiny spider we saw but he wouldn't stay still. (camera shy I think) Then Mrs. Richardson pointed out a crayfish chimney. Once our class kept silent for a few seconds I heard some running water and bird chirping. I felt the warm sun and there was now no wind. The last sign of spring I felt was me sneezing from spring allergies.

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